Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This is my 2nd Wedding cake

This cake weighs around 60-70 lbs. All three layers were carrot cake. I used a butter cream icing with orange zest. I cover the cake with Choco-pan (i like that better than foundant- it tast better!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kasey's Birthday Cake

Okay notice anything wrong? I carefully counted out how many letters in BIRTHDAY, okay four on each side of the cake. When I got to the last letter I scratched my head and thought I could have swore I counted eight letters in birthday cake. Oh well, sorry Kasey. I also learned that my choco pan ribbion does not freeze well! This is a white cake with chocolate butter cream icing.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Here is my First Wedding Cake

Here is the first wedding cake I have made. This is for my friends son. She did all the cute decorations

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Next week is the first wedding cake

I have been practicing next week my friend Karen and I are doing her sons wedding cake. She has made the most adorable decorations for the cake. I have been practicing using choco-pan. Thank heavens I am not doing any writing or anything like that. This is a carrot cake I made for a farewell for a co-worker tomorrow.