Sunday, November 16, 2008

Home made Devils Food Cake

2 1/4 c cake flour
1 t baking soda
1/4 t salt
1C unsalted batter room temp
1 C brown sugar
3/4 C granulated Sugar
4 Large Eggs room temp
1 t vanilla extract
4 oz unsweetened chocolate chopped and melted
1 C low fat or nonfat buttermilk room temp

Preheat oven at 350 butter and flour two 9-inch pans.

Sift dry ingredients

Make batter Cream butter and sugars. Beat about 2 min. Add the eggs one at a time, beating for 1 min each. Add vanilla extract and beat for 1 min. Add the melted chocolate and mix on med speed until the the mixture is a uniform color. Reduce the mixer speed to low. Add the dry ingredients in 3 batches alternatively with the buttermilk in 2 batches.

Bake Pour batter in pan. Bake 30 min.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's not cake, candy apples

Brandi needed 50 apples for Primary and asked me to help. I usually use granny smith apples, but we used gala for this. You will need Peterson carmel, white melting chocolate, milk melting chocolate, cinnamon and sugar, nuts, parchment paper cut into small squares to set the candy apple on; Sylvan to wrap the apple and candy apple sticks. Wash the apples and dry. I prefer Peterson carmel. One block will cover about 40-50 apples. We like to melt the carmel in the crockpot. It takes a few minutes longer but it isn't as messy and you have more control over the carmel. Once the carmel is melted to about 178 (you may need to add a little water if it is to thick) melt the white chocolate in microwave. Melt it one min at a time stirring in between. We usually find it takes about a min and a half. In the mean time mix a cup of sugar to 2 T Cinnamon and put in a pie plate (you will use this to roll the apple in). Chop nuts up if you are going to use them. Put the sticks in the apple I find it easier to use a small hammer. Dip the apple in the carmel and cover as much of the apple as you prefer. We like to cover all but just a little area of the apple. Set on the a Cookie sheet sprayed with pam. Wait until the carmel is set up 5-10 min and dip in the white chocolate. Cover up to almost as much as the carmel as you like. I like the layer look of the carmel showing and the white chocolate. Now lightly tap and roll the apple in the sugar and cinnamon or crushed nuts. Set the apple on a square of parchment paper after the white chocolate is setting. Melt the milk chocolate and take a fork and dip in the milk chocolate. Take a candy apple over a bowl and drizzle the milk chocolate around and over the apple. We also like to drizzle a little on the parchment paper for decorative purposes. After the apple is set up wrap in Sylvan paper and tie a bow around it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Here is an idea

I had made extra layers of wedding cake (carrot) and decided not to go six inches high. So what do you do with the extra... you make candy corns. I cut the cake out in shape of candy corns and put a butter cream icing on them. But them in the freezer and than put choco-pan ( I dyed the choco pan) and wrapped in a Halloween bag