Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Storm Trooper Cake

Gavin my second to oldest grandson wants a Storm trooper cake for his birthday. This sounded a little hard so I thought I better practice. Here is my first attempt. I made a chocolate cake and found a picture of a storm trooper. I cut the 9x13 cake in the outline of the picture I found. I iced the out lined cake in a butter cream icing and than I made an extra cake for the impression of the face and the nose. I think next time I will make the impression of the face either round or triangle? I than added the impression of the nose and face and iced the cake again in butter cream.

I found a great recipet for homemade fondant and it tease good too. It was very easy to handle I thought easier than actual Fondant or Chocopan.

you take 16 oz marshmallows in a bowl with 4-5 t water and melt in microwave (setting the microwave for 30 seconds and stirring) it takes about 2.5 min to melt the marshmallows. You will need 2 lbs powder sugar. You add 3/4 of the powder sugar on top of the marshmallows. You will need about 1/2 c shortening. Grease your counter top and your hands and empty the marshmallow mixture on the counter top and knead the marshmallow mixture slowly adding the remaking powder sugar and keeping you hands greased. You knead it like you would bread dough. At first it is very sticky but keeping adding grease to your hands. If it starts tearing apart add more water. Works great.

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