Sunday, April 19, 2009

Another Fondant Class

This is my finished product from the fondant class. I really didn't have much of a plan. We learned how to do brushed embroidery. I haven't tried it yet but it is on my list of things to do. We also made Italian butter cream. Can't wait to test it out on the family

I love to take classes on different things. In the last 12 months I have taken a hand gun class, landscaping class, photography classes, Photoshop class, crochet class, Gum Paste Class, Topsy Turvey class, Cake Decorating, several fondant classes, basic cakes, sauce class and How to use knifes in the kitchen. Always looking for a new class. This weekend I took a fondant class at the Viking School.

It was a lot of fun. I wished we could have spent the weekend there. I am looking forward to taking more classes there. Hope to take some with my daughters and daughter in law.

You can see the array of beautiful fondant cakes with all the spring colors. The instructor was a pastry chef named Jaxon Stallard. She had some techniques that were different from classes I have taken in the past. It is always fun to learn different ways as you try to develop your own style.

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