Saturday, June 7, 2008

Adyson's Birthday Cake for Her Friends Party

Ady seen the pictures of the cup cake baque I made Jan and she wanted one for her friends part. Ady turned 8! i really had a hard time with this. I wanted to find a Pink vase. You can't really tell but this is a bowl that has pick poke a dots. I couldn't find any pink rafiel. I used Wilson's Whipped Icing on this. i had few problems with the icing dropping off.
I took a white cake mix and added 1 package of strawberry jello.
I helped Aleisa make one for the family party. Adyson picked it out of a cake magazine that I have. We googled the name and actually found a video that showed how to make it. i hope I get a picture of that one to add to our blog.
Happy Birth Day Adyson.

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