Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Prestons Birthday Cake

Preston wanted Rudolf for his birthday cake. This is white cake with chocolate filling.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Orange Rolls Dough: ½ c. warm water 1/3 c. sugar 1 pkg. yeast or 1 tbsp 5 c. flour 1 tsp salt ½ c. melted butter 2 eggs 1 c. warm milk

Filling: ¾ c. sugar ¾ c. coconut 2 tbsp grated orange rind

Glaze: ¾ c. sugar ½ c. sour cream ¼ c. butter 2 tbsp orange juice Combine water, sugar and yeast and let rise.

Combine remaining ingredients in large bowl and when yeast has risen add it to the other mixture. Add more flour here if needed until dough is springy but not too sticky. Let rise. After risen divide into 2 balls and roll each into a 12” circle. Mix filling ingredients together. Pour 2 tbsp butter on and half of the filling on each 12” circle. Cut into 12 triangles and roll like crescent tolls. Place on cookie sheet and let rise. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes checking often. Meanwhile prepare glaze by combining all glaze ingredients in a medium saucepan, bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Top hot rolls with hot glaze.
These are so good!! It is very similar to a cinnamon roll.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Brand's Birthday Cake

Brandi's Birthday cake. It is Devils food cake with Chocolate Ganache filling and a merangue icing

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Home made Devils Food Cake

2 1/4 c cake flour
1 t baking soda
1/4 t salt
1C unsalted batter room temp
1 C brown sugar
3/4 C granulated Sugar
4 Large Eggs room temp
1 t vanilla extract
4 oz unsweetened chocolate chopped and melted
1 C low fat or nonfat buttermilk room temp

Preheat oven at 350 butter and flour two 9-inch pans.

Sift dry ingredients

Make batter Cream butter and sugars. Beat about 2 min. Add the eggs one at a time, beating for 1 min each. Add vanilla extract and beat for 1 min. Add the melted chocolate and mix on med speed until the the mixture is a uniform color. Reduce the mixer speed to low. Add the dry ingredients in 3 batches alternatively with the buttermilk in 2 batches.

Bake Pour batter in pan. Bake 30 min.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's not cake, candy apples

Brandi needed 50 apples for Primary and asked me to help. I usually use granny smith apples, but we used gala for this. You will need Peterson carmel, white melting chocolate, milk melting chocolate, cinnamon and sugar, nuts, parchment paper cut into small squares to set the candy apple on; Sylvan to wrap the apple and candy apple sticks. Wash the apples and dry. I prefer Peterson carmel. One block will cover about 40-50 apples. We like to melt the carmel in the crockpot. It takes a few minutes longer but it isn't as messy and you have more control over the carmel. Once the carmel is melted to about 178 (you may need to add a little water if it is to thick) melt the white chocolate in microwave. Melt it one min at a time stirring in between. We usually find it takes about a min and a half. In the mean time mix a cup of sugar to 2 T Cinnamon and put in a pie plate (you will use this to roll the apple in). Chop nuts up if you are going to use them. Put the sticks in the apple I find it easier to use a small hammer. Dip the apple in the carmel and cover as much of the apple as you prefer. We like to cover all but just a little area of the apple. Set on the a Cookie sheet sprayed with pam. Wait until the carmel is set up 5-10 min and dip in the white chocolate. Cover up to almost as much as the carmel as you like. I like the layer look of the carmel showing and the white chocolate. Now lightly tap and roll the apple in the sugar and cinnamon or crushed nuts. Set the apple on a square of parchment paper after the white chocolate is setting. Melt the milk chocolate and take a fork and dip in the milk chocolate. Take a candy apple over a bowl and drizzle the milk chocolate around and over the apple. We also like to drizzle a little on the parchment paper for decorative purposes. After the apple is set up wrap in Sylvan paper and tie a bow around it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Here is an idea

I had made extra layers of wedding cake (carrot) and decided not to go six inches high. So what do you do with the extra... you make candy corns. I cut the cake out in shape of candy corns and put a butter cream icing on them. But them in the freezer and than put choco-pan ( I dyed the choco pan) and wrapped in a Halloween bag

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This is my 2nd Wedding cake

This cake weighs around 60-70 lbs. All three layers were carrot cake. I used a butter cream icing with orange zest. I cover the cake with Choco-pan (i like that better than foundant- it tast better!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kasey's Birthday Cake

Okay notice anything wrong? I carefully counted out how many letters in BIRTHDAY, okay four on each side of the cake. When I got to the last letter I scratched my head and thought I could have swore I counted eight letters in birthday cake. Oh well, sorry Kasey. I also learned that my choco pan ribbion does not freeze well! This is a white cake with chocolate butter cream icing.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Here is my First Wedding Cake

Here is the first wedding cake I have made. This is for my friends son. She did all the cute decorations

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Next week is the first wedding cake

I have been practicing next week my friend Karen and I are doing her sons wedding cake. She has made the most adorable decorations for the cake. I have been practicing using choco-pan. Thank heavens I am not doing any writing or anything like that. This is a carrot cake I made for a farewell for a co-worker tomorrow.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Tammy

It is my neighbors birthday this week so I did another cupcake arrangement

Side one or side two

The left side dots are done with icing. The right side is done with beads. Which works better?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Camron's Birthday Cake

Chocolate cake, chocolate butter cream icing and the layers are iced with butter cream icing

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Carrot Cake

Tessa watered my plants for me while I was in Bear Lake. I made her a carrot cake. Gabe felt bad so I made him one also. This time I grated orange peel in the icing.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jody's Birthday Cake

Here is Jody's birthday cake. I made a chocolate cake and put vanilla pudding in between the three layers. I used a butter cream icing. This was my first attempt at making roses. Jody isn't a real rose person and the only roses she likes are yellow. She doesn't care for the big old fashion roses. That is why I only did little rose buds with some sweet pea vine on the side and than added pink bows.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ice Cream Cake

You will need an ice cream cake pan. I used a regular white cake mix and prepared per directions. Pour cake batter into the ice cream cake pan. Bake according to directions on cake mix. After cake is cooled set your choice of ice cream out until softened. Spoon into hallowed out part of cake. Before putting the cakes on top of each other put in the freezer for a couple of hours until ice cream is frozen. Take cake and set one on top of the other, ice cake with your desired frosting. Great for the summer!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Adyson's Birthday Cake for Her Friends Party

Ady seen the pictures of the cup cake baque I made Jan and she wanted one for her friends part. Ady turned 8! i really had a hard time with this. I wanted to find a Pink vase. You can't really tell but this is a bowl that has pick poke a dots. I couldn't find any pink rafiel. I used Wilson's Whipped Icing on this. i had few problems with the icing dropping off.
I took a white cake mix and added 1 package of strawberry jello.
I helped Aleisa make one for the family party. Adyson picked it out of a cake magazine that I have. We googled the name and actually found a video that showed how to make it. i hope I get a picture of that one to add to our blog.
Happy Birth Day Adyson.

Raspberry Bunt Cake

Raspberry Bunt Cake- This is made from a vanilla cake mix. Instead of water use white cranberry juice and follow the cake directions as normal.
After cake is mixed together take one cup of the cake mix and set aside. Take half of the remaining cake batter and put in a greased bunt pan. The 1 c of batter that was set aside add 5 T of Raspberry jam and a drop of red cake coloring to the batter. Stir it up and add the raspberry mixture as your second layer. Take the rest of the batter and put on top of raspberry mixture. Bake in the over at 350 for 45 mn. Whitle baking take half of the raspberry jam from the bottle and put in a sauce pan. Add 1 T white cranberry juice and 1/16 T of raspberry extra and bring to a low boil and turn off.
Now take 1 c powder sugar and 5 T heavy cream 1/8 T raspberry extract and whip up.
When bunt cake is done and as cooled trissle the raspberry sauce over the bunt cake. After that take the Icing and drizzle over the bunt cake.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Can you believe my oldest is 34 years old? It jut seems like yesterday that I was 34... I can't believe it. When it comes to cake Daison can be a little boring. He likes white cake with Chocolate icing. Going three layers and putting a little decoration for him might be a bit too much. We will see? This is a white cake made from scratch.
1/3 c butter softened
1/2 c shortening
2 c sugar
3 cups flour
4 tsp powder
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 c cake flour
4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 c milk
2 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 tsp almond extract
6 egg whites (the chickens better lay a lot this week)
Milk Chocolate Frosting
Decorating icing chocolate better cream icing
Preheat oven to 325. Beat butter and shortening at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy; gradually add sugar, beating well
Combine flour, baking powder, and salt; add to butter mixture alternately with milk and 2/3 c water, beginning and ending with flour mixture. Beat at low speed until blended after each addition. Stir in extracts.
Beat egg whites at high speed with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form; fold about one third of egg whites into batter. Gradually fold in remaining egg whites. pour batter into 3 greased and floured 8 inch round cake pans.
Bake at 325 for 25-30 min cool in pans on wire racks 10 minutes. Remove from pans to wire racks, and let cool 15 min. Wrap in plastic wrap. Freeze
Unwrap frozen cake layers. Spread Milk Chocolate frosting between layers and on up top and sides of cake. Let set a couple of hours before decorating.
Milk Chocolate Frosting
1 C butter, softened
6 C powdered sugar
1/3 C unsweetened cocoa
1/2 c milk
Beat butter at med speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Add remaining ingredients beat in until smooth.
Chocolate Better Cream Icing
1/2 c shortening
1/2 c butter
1 t white clear vanilla extra
4 c sifted confectioners sugar
2 T milk
3/4 C cocoa powder for baking
4 T Milk
Cream butter and shortening with electric mixer. Add vanilla gradually add sugar, one cup at a time., beating well on medium speed. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl of often. When all sugar has been added add 3/4 c cocoa. Add milk and beat at medium speed until light and fluffy. Keep icing cover with a damp cloth until ready to use. Refrigerate leftover icing in an airtight container up to 2 weeks.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Thank You Jan

This was a lot of fun to make. I work with a lady who is just so fantastic, I wanted to tell her thank you. I made this cup cake bouquet. I found a vase and put raffia on a Styrofoam ball.
I took one white cake mix and baked making 24 cup cakes. After the cup cakes were cooled a couple of hours I poked a whole in the center of the cup cakes and added strawberry jello just before it was set up. I used a better cream icing with strawberry flavoring.
I used a #128 icing tip. I started with my icing in the center of the cup cake and worked my way around the cup cake until I got to the edge. To get the cup cakes attached I used sucker sticks and poked in the Styrofoam ball and set the cup cake on them. It took 14 cup cakes.
Now if I can just get this to work and it well stay together for her?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Carrot Cake for Stockton's Birthday!

Stockton is going to be 9! Wow.. it is Walley this year. He can hardly wait for the movie to come out. He wanted a carrot cake with cream cheese icing, pretty grown up choice.
This is the first time I use foundant. I choose purple because he likes the JAZZ (no one told me the changed their colors) Stockton did but it was too late. Using fondant was like playing with play dough.
I had to double this recipe for this three layer cake.
Carrot cake ( I made this cake almost every week when we first got married Gabe love it)
Sift together into large mixing bowl 1 1/2 c sifted all purpose flour, 1 c sugar, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoons soda, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add 2/3 c salad oil 2 eggs, 1 c finely shredded carrot, 1/2 c crushed pineapple (with syrup), and 1 t vanilla. Mix till moistened; beat 1 t min at med speed on electric mixer. Bake in greased and lightly floured pans ( I usually put in a 9 x 9 x 2)put in 350 oven about 35 min or till done. cool 10 min remove from pan. Cool and then Frost.
Cream Cheese Icing
2 8 oz packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 c butter, softened
1 32 oz package powdered sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
Beat cream cheese and butter at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy Gradually add powdered sugar, beating until fluffy. Stir in vanilla